The project outlines a critical look at the construction of sovereignty through the use of discourses, laws and regulations involving people not recognized as citizens by the various immigration laws and regulations affecting the rights and freedoms of migrants. In turn, the project presents an analysis of various historical figures linked to colonial processes recognized in the public space today.

The recognition that is given today by the city of Barcelona to historical figures and their direct involvement in colonial processes is being analyzed here through a series of photographs.

At the same time, a video projection shows a Catalan language class given to non-EU migrants in which the learning process of language pronunciation it’s being performed through the repetition of several Catalan political discourses in relation to the subject of immigration. Likewise, the students in class were invited to transcribe a series of newspaper articles and official documents that are also displayed in the exhibition space.

The installation includes the projection of the video CC-13, images recorded during the Via Catalana on September 11, 2013.

The project is entirely in Catalan.

2013 · Black and white printing on photographic paper · Variable dimensions · video

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